MySQL Dump Using Linux CRON Job

If you are a database administrator who would like to automate you tasks. Here is a simple and very basic task that can be automated,
MySQL Database Dumps are the very basic task every administrator does, no matter how simple it sounds, it is most useful in failure scenarios. Hence you would have to perform this task very often.

It is very likely to miss on taking dumps on daily routine, hence you can come up with an alternative to dump your databases by scheduling it to run automatically. This will let you concentrate on your other task which might need more attention.

There are several ways to dump a database, you have many utilities and tools to do so. Also many tools give you the option to schedule the dumps through a GUI.

Follow the below steps to automate your MySQL dump.

Firstly, you need create a .sh file with these entries,


mysqldump -u root -pmysql123 –all-databases –routines| gzip > /root/MySQLDB_`date ‘+%m-%d-%Y’`.sql.gz
mysqldump -h -u root -pmysql123 –all-databases –routines | gzip > /root/MySQLDB.3_`date ‘+%m-%d-%Y’`.sql.gz

In above two lines, I’m scheduling the cron job to dump my database on the same machine, also the second line is dumping a databsase from a remote host.
You need to provide access to the local system on the remote host to perform the task.

Secondly, create a CRON job to schedule the dumps.

>crontab -e

30 15 * * * /root/ 2>&1>> /root/MySQLdump.log

The above will dump the database every day at 15:30.

You can schedule it your way.